Introducing Industry Insights by Leviat

Bringing clarity to an ever-changing regulatory landscape

The Construction sector is complex. Regulatory systems are constantly evolving and the pace at which legislation is changing is rapidly increasing. The complexity of this new regulatory landscape, alongside the construction sector being under closer scrutiny, means many are feeling challenged when trying to stay up-to-date and make informed decisions in relation to material choices and many more topics.

The design and construction of buildings is a joint responsibility across the entire supply chain from architects and designers to contractors, consultants and manufacturers. By working together, we can improve the quality of buildings and ensure they perform as designed with respect to fire, thermal and acoustic requirements. 

Cutting through the noise of legislation

Leviat’s Industry Insights  series aims to educate and provide clear cut, easy to understand information on a variety of topics including the latest building regulations, product certification, transparency of information, building safety, installation and competency, and much more.

Discover a library of invaluable information below…

Image of a Leviat engineer in front of a computerImage of a Leviat engineer in front of a computer
Image of Leviat Collaborative RelationshipsImage of Leviat Collaborative Relationships

Bringing clarity to regulatory changes 

Leviat’s new whitepaper looks at the current regulatory landscape and what new legislation means for structural components and the responsibilities of those that use them. It provides insight into forthcoming changes and ensures stakeholders are ready to meet obligations and avoid risks going forward.

Interview Series: Our Experts & Thought Leaders

Our new video series brings together an impressive line-up of thought leaders from across the construction industry, interviewees share their thoughts and critically examine a range of topics and issues facing the sector.  

The series opens with our very own team of experts here at Leviat to gain their perspectives on the broader issues facing the industry. These spotlight focus on sustainability, company culture and the future of construction. 


What does "Sustainability" mean to you?

What does working at Leviat mean to you?

What does the future of the industry look like?

Brick Tie Channel Systems - Paul Evans

Industry Perspective

Interview with Gavin Dunn

Filmed at Futurebuild 2023, Dr. Gavin Dunn, Chief Executive of Chartered Association of the Building Engineers (CABE) opens the series discussing the key role he has played in the development of the Future Homes Standard and whether the industry is ready to meet the 2025 targets. He also provides insight into the performance gap and responds to the question about whether a joined up approach to Building Regulations Part F, L, O and S (FLOS) will address issues and close the gap. 

Interview with Eve Livett

An interview with Eve Livett, Chief Executive Officer of the Association of Brickwork Contractors, discusses the significance of recent changes in the industry, such as Brexit and more stringent building regulations, as well as the demand for brick in new buildings and homes. She also talks about the impact of the Future Homes Standard and the Building Safety Bill and why the energy efficiency standards we set now are important to keep us on track with our sustainability goals.

Interview with Will Arnold

Will Arnold, Head of Climate Action at The Institution of Structural Engineers talks to us about his proposed new Building Regulations amendment – the industry-backed proposal for a new Part Z and discusses how the decarbonisation of products fits into a zero carbon world.

Interview with Dave Mills

Dave Mills, Business Development Director at Lyons & Annoot talks to Leviat’s Design Services Manager, Mick Beresford, about some of the biggest challenges facing the Construction Industry at the moment, from regulations and compliance to sustainability and the importance of supply chain partnerships.

Interview with Mike Leonard

Interview with Tim Gledstone